tv whore, movies, tv: fringe, tv: ai, tv: spn, tv: lost, the suck: work

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  • ergh

    heather13 May 05, 2009 19:23

    Things are better. Thank you for your well wishes. Much appreciated! It's been rough but what can you do? I can't quit and so until it's better out there and I can move on, I will grin and bear it to the best of my abilities - which IS actually my best ability because I've been doing it for YEARS ( Read more... )

    tv: ai, eek!, the suck: work

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  • he even strained the pulp

    heather13 Mar 19, 2009 18:23

    So I'm watching the ultra bad 90210 ep in which Brandon became a "man" and after this momentous occasion happened, he thought the best music to play the morning after would be Glenn Miller's "In the Mood". Hmm. I'm not saying it isn't possible but...this is Brandon we're I'm discussing here and I find that hard to believe. I love the song, I ( Read more... )

    tmi: health, tv: 90210, tv: ai, tv: lost

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  • i suck

    heather13 Feb 04, 2009 14:19

    So I've had this lj for about 5 years - and I noticed that I don't even have 400 posts. That's just super lame, isn't it? Like either put up or shut down, right? I also made a wee bit of a resolution, although I don't like resolutions because the imminent failure of them cripples me that it becomes self-fulfilling and FAIL FAIL FAIL all over the ( Read more... )

    tv: ai, tmi: life, the suck, tmi: wedding

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  • hmm...

    heather13 Mar 25, 2008 21:33

    I don't know why I watch American Idol. Really. And then I remember that I do it because I love when contestants do covers of covers. It's fun.

    image Click to view

    Chris Cornell is hot. That is all.

    tv: ai

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  • friday!

    heather13 Mar 14, 2008 09:57

    This week has sucked the life out of me. Good lord...everyone else have the week that would not die?

    AI )

    movies, tv: ai, icons, tv: lost

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  • i can't lift my arms

    heather13 Mar 11, 2008 09:27

    I worked out yesterday. CRAZY, I know! It's Girl Scout cookie time. It is extremely hard to not eat all of them at once. But I need to lose weight. I need to eat healthier and be more active. I've been too lazy since we moved into the apartment. Part of the problem is that when I lived in the basement, my exercise was putting on loud music ( Read more... )

    tv: ai, tmi: life, tv: lost

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  • no work 1/2 day

    heather13 Mar 07, 2008 09:07

    I'm tired (slept on the couch), I'm bored (I refuse to work) and I'm bitchy (thanks, uterus). We have a skunk at work that likes to greet us every morning by spraying and my eyes won't stop watering and it smells horrible. We need some febreeze candles. At least it covers the mold smell ( Read more... )

    tv: btvs, music: kelly, tv: ai, music: concerts, tv: project runway

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  • (Untitled)

    heather13 May 24, 2006 15:34

    I hate today. And for no good reason other than I'm exhausted and tonight is 2 hours of Lost and 2 hours of AI and I have to get up at the ass crack of dawn tomorrow for our golf tournament and my head is pounding and I can't really focus on anything and I just have a feeling I may be disappointed in Lost tonight. I don't know why but I just do ( Read more... )

    tmi: the aparment, tv: alias, tv: ai, tmi: the boy, goodies: icons, tmi: life, goodies: screencaps

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